Stage Set to Sue USFWS for Failing to Delist Species

American Stewards of Liberty (ASL) and its Delisting partners have filed two 60-day Notices of Intent to Sue for failing to delist the Bone Cave harvestman (a spider like cave bug) and the Navasota Ladies’-tresses (a native Texas orchid). The group filed … Continue reading


Lesser Prairie Chicken Removed from ESA List As word spreads on how a Federal District Court in Midland, Texas has vacated the US Fish and Wildlife Service’s (Service) decision to list the Lesser prairie chicken (LPC) as threatened, we thought we would … Continue reading

Beetle Petitioned for Delisting

ASL Files Fourth “De-list” Petition with USFWS to Remove Species that do not Warrant ESA Protection On August 18, 2015, American Stewards of Liberty (ASL), along with a broad coalition including the Independent Petroleum Association of American (IPAA), Texas Public Policy Foundation … Continue reading