Category Archives: News


Lesser Prairie Chicken Removed from ESA List As word spreads on how a Federal District Court in Midland, Texas has vacated the US Fish and Wildlife Service’s (Service) decision to list the Lesser prairie chicken (LPC) as threatened, we thought we would … Continue reading

Beetle Petitioned for Delisting

ASL Files Fourth “De-list” Petition with USFWS to Remove Species that do not Warrant ESA Protection On August 18, 2015, American Stewards of Liberty (ASL), along with a broad coalition including the Independent Petroleum Association of American (IPAA), Texas Public Policy Foundation … Continue reading

Study Shows Ranching as Top Economic Producer

Kane County, Utah contracted with economist Gil Miller to determine where the ranching industry ranked in its contribution to the local economy. The conclusions were astonishing and not at all what land management agencies have represented. Kane County is coordinating with the … Continue reading