Category Archives: News

Separating the Men from the Boys …

Coordination was recently described as the powerful tool for local governments that separates the men from the boys. The County Seat TV interviewed Kane County, Utah Commissioner, Jim Matson, and Planning Director, Shannon McBride about their experiences using coordination to increase grazing … Continue reading

ASL Files Cave Bug Delisting Case

December 15, 2015, American Stewards of Liberty (ALS) and partners filed a case against the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for failing to make a proper 90-day review of the organization’s petition to delist the Bone Cave harvestman.  The harvestman is a … Continue reading

Stage Set to Sue USFWS for Failing to Delist Species

American Stewards of Liberty (ASL) and its Delisting partners have filed two 60-day Notices of Intent to Sue for failing to delist the Bone Cave harvestman (a spider like cave bug) and the Navasota Ladies’-tresses (a native Texas orchid). The group filed … Continue reading